Frequently Asked Questions

How does one use navXUI?


The navXUI user interface application provides a simple way to visualize the data provided by the navX-MXP.


Gyro Calibration in Progress Indicator

The Gyro Calibration in Progress Indicator is displayed during initial gyroscope calibration, which occurs immediately after power is applied to the navX-MXP. If the gyroscope calibration does not complete, the navX-MXP yaw accuracy will be adversely impacted. For more information on Gyro Calibration, please see the Gyro/Accelerometer Calibration page.

Motion Indicators

The navX-MXP provides dynamic motion indicators: (a) the “Moving” indicator and (b) the “Rotating” indicator.

The Moving indicator is present whenever the current Gravity-corrected Linear Acceleration exceeds the “Motion Threshold”.

The Rotating indicator is present whenever the change in yaw value within the last second exceeds the “Rotating Threshold”. Note that the navX-MXP Gyroscope Calibration only occurs when the navX-MXP is not Rotating for a few seconds.

Gravity-corrected Linear Acceleration (G)

The navX-MXP automatically subtracts acceleration due to gravity from accelerometer data, and displays the resulting linear acceleration. These measures are in units of instantaneous G, and are in World Reference Frame.

Sensor Temperature

The Sensor Temperature indicates the die temperature of the MPU-9250 IC. Since shifts in gyro temperature can impact yaw accuracy, navX-MXP will automatically perform Gyroscope calibration whenever navX-MXP is still. See the Gyro/Accelerometer Calibration page for more details.

Magnetic Disturbance Indicator

Once the navX-MXP Magnetometer has been calibrated (see the Magnetometer Calibration page), whenever the current magnetic field diverges from the calibrated value for the earth’s magnetic field, a magnetic disturbance is indicated.

Yaw Angle

The Yaw Angle is displayed in grey text if Gyro Calibration has not yet been completed. Once Gyro Calibration is complete, the Yaw Angle text color will change to white.

Pitch/Roll Angles

The Pitch/Roll Angles are always displayed in white text, since Accelerometer calibration occurs at the Kauai Labs factory.

Compass Angle

The Compass Angle displays the tilt-compensated compass heading calculated from the navX-MXP’s Magnetometer combined with the tip/tilt measure from the Accelerometers.

The Compass Angle is displayed in grey text if Magnetometer Calibration has not yet been completed. Once Magnetometer Calibration is complete, the Compass Angle text color will change to white.

9-axis (“Fused”) Heading

The 9-axis heading is displayed in grey text if Magnetometer Calibration has not yet been completed and/or if no undisturbed magnetic readings have occurred.


The Altitude displays the navX-MXP’s calculated current altitude, based upon the reading from the pressure sensor, the current temperature and the sea-level pressure.

The Altitude is displayed in red text if a Pressure Sensor is not installed. Pressure Sensors are only installed on the navX-MXP Aero. Valid altitude readings are displayed in white text.

Installing/Running the navXUI

  • To run the navXUI, the navX-MXP must be connected to a PC running Windows via USB.
  • Make sure Java 7 (version 1.7) or Java 8 (version 1.8) is installed on your computer. The 64-bit version of Java is recommended. To tell which version of java is currently “Active”, open up a command window, and type this command:
java -version
  • Download the latest build and unzip the contents to your local computer.
  • Run the setup.exe program, which will install the navXUI, as well as all necessary device drivers for communicating over USB with the navX-MXP, as well as some additional tools.
  • Start the navXUI:
From your Start Menu, select “Kauai Labs” and then “navX-MXP” and click on the “navXUI” icon to start the navXUI.

If your computer has more than one serial port, you can select which serial port to use by clicking on the up/down arrows in the COM port selection control in the UI.

Last Updated 7 years ago

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